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  • ID:9582-11676

    What is NOT true of this passage?
    This article starts with a report on one of the beach protests which remains the part of nationwide grassroots protests against offshore drilling.
    B. Jane Barry was very efficient in organizing this 15-minute beach protest since the group could end up in some 200 people chanting their demand to stop offshore drilling.
    C. Dave Rauschkolb started this movement originally because of the BP oil spill and its severe consequences in the aftermath.
    D. The objective of this movement, according to Rauschkolb, is to persuade politicians involved into supporting the idea of not resorting to offshore drilling.

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    What would top this weekend’s G20 discussions according to this report?


  • ID:9582-11660
    Even advocates acknowledge that distance education isn’t for everyone—that it takes independence, self-discipline, and a lot of motivation to succeed. Further, the quality of distance-degree programs is uneven. “A majority of universities have entered the distance-learning market rapidly and are not well prepared,” says Vicky Phillips, coauthor of the The Best Distance Learning Graduate Schools (Princeton Review Publishing, 1999, $20). “Students run the risk of being guinea pigs.” Thus, it’s important to consider an array of factors before choosing a school: accreditation, program history, cost, academic field, residency, and technology.
    What do “guinea pigs” (Line 6) here mean?
    A. Pigs raised in Guinea.
    B. Pigs raised by Guineans.
    C. Persons used as subjects for experiment.
    D. Persons used by Guineans as a subject for experiment.


  • ID:9582-11708(本题为引用材料试题,请根据材料回答以下问题)
    Stipulations concerning self—paying students took effect in ____.
    A. 1989 B. 1992
    C. 1990 D. 1991


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    The tuition for students in the sciences and engineering can range from 300 to 500 yuan per academic year. ( )
    A.be charged between 300 and 500 B. set at 300 or 500
    C. be decided at 300 or 500 D. extend from 300 to 500


  • ID:9582-11682(本题为引用材料试题,请根据材料回答以下问题)
    What is the tone of this passage?
    A. Criticism. B. Indifference. B. Condemning. C. Patronizing.
