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  • ID:9582-11743

    According to the author of the study, on what basis should the political race for public office be placed?

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  • ID:9582-11661
    Behrend, 45, obtained a doctoral degree in clinical psychology last spring from Walden University, a respected virtual institution. She says the discussions between student and professor, and among peers, were more rigorous than those she experienced in the two on-campus master’s programs she previously attended. “We needed to cite references for everything we said (in E-mail postings),” explains Behrend. “It wasn’t like the usual chatting in the classroom.”

    Behrend _________________________.
    A. criticizes distant-degree programs
    B. praises distant-degree programs
    C. praises on-campus education
    D. thinks highly of face-to-face instruction


  • ID:9582-11725
    Selfpaying students are not assigned jobs by the state after graduation, whereas students sent by their units will return to them after graduation. ( )
    1. After graduation the state doesnt give employments to the selfpaying students

    2. .After graduation, the state doesnt appoint the selfpaying students to do some work

    3. After graduation, the self-paying students are not going to apply for jobs

    4. All are wrong.


  • ID:9582-11701(本题为引用材料试题,请根据材料回答以下问题)

    The policy which the state paid all tuition and school fees for university students ____.

      1. Brought lots of profits to the state

      2. Was helpful to further development of higher education

      3. Brought many advantages to the state

      4. Brought expense and trouble to the state


  • ID:9582-11717
    This Ministry of Finance and the State Price Bureau decided to allow regular institutions of higher education to set their own tuition rates and charges for accommodation. ( )
    A. decide B. fix C. put forward D. Both A and B


  • ID:9582-11667
    In Florida politically powerful Cuban Americans, most of whom vote Republican, are dismayed by Dole’s hard line on language. Says Mercedes Toural, head of bilingual programs in the state’s Dade County: “Attacking bilingual education here is like attacking Mom and apple pie.”
    The last sentence in the quotation marks indicates that _____________
    A. Bilingual education in the county is not very popular.
    B. Mom often makes apple pies for their children at home.
    C. Bilingual education here is very popular and the county will defend it.
    D. People in Florida like apple pie as much as they love their mothers.
