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  • ID:9582-11715
    The reform will take effect in two directions. ( )
    A. will take place B. will come into force
    C. will affect D. will have an influence

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  • ID:9582-11664
    Mr. Kerry struck back, trying to turn the tables on Mr. Bush. In a speech at Howard University in Washington, Mr. Kerry said he would provide more tax cuts to the middle class than Mr. Bush would and asserted that the president had undermined the economy’s long-term strength by saddling it with huge budget deficits.

    By “to turn the tables”, it probably means ___________.
    A. to overturn the tables B. to change the figures
    C. to design new tables D. to reverse a situation and gain the upper hand


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    According to the author of the study, on what basis should the political race for public office be placed?


  • ID:9582-11732(本题为引用材料试题,请根据材料回答以下问题)
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    Besides its trade war with the EU, the U.S. is also in conflict with Japan, Russia and Brazil.


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    What makes this article characteristic of a special feature?
